The performance on my S21 Ultra is pretty bad. Feels like ~40fps and stuttering. Also, it doesn't have mobile interaction for dragging nodes. I can only pan the canvas.
Not to detract this component but I can say with certainty that people will be writing Desktop applications with Svelte/React running inside Electron that takes up gigs of ram. It will be interesting to see how this performs in such environment.
Bit off topic but I really dig the clean look and feel of this. Is there anything close in Flutter? Think building this in Flutter might improve performance for your case (running on a high end samsung phone)
I keep hearing this, but I've never figured out why it might be the case, and particularly with Electron over Chrome/FF?
Surely if react/svelte etc are built well they're relatively low processor / compute? When manipulating canvas / images / rich-whatever, I assume graphic accelerated functions would work substantially better than alternatives.
I'm not sure what the issue was, could be the particular browser they are using (Samsung browser is horrible) but I wouldn't be surprised if it runs into performance issues as number of nodes increase.