A helicopter's rotors rotate in two ways that are different from airplanes.
1) the whole rotor can tilt in a specific direction, called Collective. If you want helicopter to move left, the entire rotor assembly tilts left, changing the angle that thrust is generated.
2) The angle of attack (AoA) on the individual blades can change. If the helicopter is hovering, this alters the amount of lift generated.
In contrast, a prop driven airplane has propellers that are static. The only control you have over them is the rotation speed.
In the video, the ball is using an airplane-style prop, and using airplane-style control surfaces to change direction.
1) the whole rotor can tilt in a specific direction, called Collective. If you want helicopter to move left, the entire rotor assembly tilts left, changing the angle that thrust is generated.
2) The angle of attack (AoA) on the individual blades can change. If the helicopter is hovering, this alters the amount of lift generated.
In contrast, a prop driven airplane has propellers that are static. The only control you have over them is the rotation speed.
In the video, the ball is using an airplane-style prop, and using airplane-style control surfaces to change direction.