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The Node Toolbox (no.de)
81 points by selvakn on Oct 25, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

This looks like a great resource, but the font looks a bit rubbish here on firefox Win7. Is it something fancy embedded?

Font looks rubbish here on chrome as well :-(. t looks like L

Thanks for the feedback. Will fix the font!

Very nice resource.

However, not sure if this is something on your end or something with the way I've done things, but when searching for the PostageApp Node.JS module I created, it had two entries despite only really having one.


Any idea what's going on?

Thanks for pointing that out. Will fix that!

I published notificon (an ender compatible library) to the npm registry, but it does not appear on the toolbox. How do I go about submitting packages to the toolbox?

You don't, it is automagically being picked up from npm's couchdb repo. If it's on npm then it is on node-toolbox. If the module has some keywords then the chances are that it will get categorized correctly as well.

Search seems a bit whacked, at the moment. If I search for 'redis', for example, I'll get many results multiple times (right after each).

Otherwise, looks pretty useful.

Darn, Looks like a bug with the Couchdb View. I'll fix it in a bit.

This is a great collection. It seems like the master module list on github hasn't added many modules in a long time.

the module wiki page is being removed soon (hopefully)

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