>> If something is used once, ignore any abstractions.
> This is a terrible advice. According to this, a classic program that loads data from a file, processes it, then writes the results to another file should be a single giant main() that mixes input parsing, computation and output formatting. Assuming file formats don't change, all of those would be used only once.
I broadly agree with you, but devils advocate time: not all abstractions are at the same level.
Writing a static function `slurp()` that takes in a filename and returns the file contents isn't an abstraction in the same sense as having a `FILE *` type that the caller cannot look into which functions like `fprintf()` and `fscanf()` use to operate on files.
I think an opaque datatypes (like `FILE`) are "more abstract" than static functions defined in the same file you are currently reading.
IOW, "Abstraction" is not a binary condition, it is a spectrum from full transparency to full opacity.
Static functions in C would be full transparency (no abstraction at all).
Opaque datatypes in C would be full opacity (no visibility into the datatype's fields unless you have the sources, which you may not have).
C++ classes would be something in-between (the private fields are visible to the human reading the header).
I agree, and that's why I said that good abstractions are those which have good implementation complexity vs interface complexity ratio. File abstraction is a perfect example of this - a simple concept you can explain in 5 minutes to a kid, but implementations often several thousands lines of code long.
Also, the simpler the interface, usually the more contexts it can be used in. So those abstractions with nice interfaces naturally tend to be more reusable. But I argue this is the consequence, not the primary reason. You probably won't end up with good abstractions by mercilessly applying DRY.
> This is a terrible advice. According to this, a classic program that loads data from a file, processes it, then writes the results to another file should be a single giant main() that mixes input parsing, computation and output formatting. Assuming file formats don't change, all of those would be used only once.
I broadly agree with you, but devils advocate time: not all abstractions are at the same level.
Writing a static function `slurp()` that takes in a filename and returns the file contents isn't an abstraction in the same sense as having a `FILE *` type that the caller cannot look into which functions like `fprintf()` and `fscanf()` use to operate on files.
I think an opaque datatypes (like `FILE`) are "more abstract" than static functions defined in the same file you are currently reading.
IOW, "Abstraction" is not a binary condition, it is a spectrum from full transparency to full opacity.
Static functions in C would be full transparency (no abstraction at all).
Opaque datatypes in C would be full opacity (no visibility into the datatype's fields unless you have the sources, which you may not have).
C++ classes would be something in-between (the private fields are visible to the human reading the header).