If I recall correctly, 1.6 was when it started to get attention on mainstream with Zope and co.
Still, add the standard library changes as well, and there is plenty of inspiration for pub quizzes.
Python 1.6 was a "contractual obligation" release that few used, when compared to 1.5.2 or 2.0. See https://python.readthedocs.io/en/v2.7.2/whatsnew/2.0.html#wh... .
1.6final and 2.0beta1 were released on the same day, and 2.0final was released a month later. The 2.x series was almost completely backwards compatible to 1.x.
If I recall correctly, 1.6 was when it started to get attention on mainstream with Zope and co.
Still, add the standard library changes as well, and there is plenty of inspiration for pub quizzes.