At some point I want to write a long-form post with code proving my statements above. I walked through this scenario a long time ago using to find the equilibrium but it'd be neat to write open source code that does the number crunching and that way others could actually audit the proof.
The short of it though is there exists a perfect range of cards the bot can play where it neither folds enough for you to bluff to gain an edge, nor does it call enough that you can wait for better cards while bleeding chips to gain an edge.
The reason I think this isn’t theoretically possible is that the bets aren’t binary. You have to specify a number. So with knowledge of the bot you could probably set up some strong priors on what they have.
I say this despite also claiming the top DL bot does this anyway and does very well.
The short of it though is there exists a perfect range of cards the bot can play where it neither folds enough for you to bluff to gain an edge, nor does it call enough that you can wait for better cards while bleeding chips to gain an edge.