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Lol that's like saying anyone could be a moviestar if they had the looks and talents of a moviestar.

Yes, but it’s a meritocracy. I don’t control whether or not I look like Brad Pitt. I do control whether or not I am educated enough in this space to carry out a strategy like this.

If you can show that you have the knowledge to do it, getting the money to do it is absurdly easy these days. Crypto VCs are far different and much more accessible than traditional Silicon Valley VCs that only talk to connected startup bros from Stanford or MIT. They’ll all listen to what you have to say if you know what you’re doing. They also move with lightning speed relative to their SV counterparts, and they seem genuinely interested in helping those they invest in. My experiences with them have been off-the-charts amazing, compared to 100% disappointment I have had with SV VCs/angels.

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