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No human being needs $42 million for anything, let alone more. I'm sure he'll be fine.

Oh I didn’t know the antiwork idiots from Reddit had found their way here. That’s my bad. I should’ve realized.

The initial ideal of capitalism is, the people who make good decisions capitalize more “decision power” (=money) because it will be good for the future economy to concentrate power in their hands. Those who hold power are the best ones.

It’s just a fun theoretical thought exercise, in which there’s no limit to how much one would accumulate, if their decision making is good to the infinite. He didn’t tank Twitter into the ground, therefore he deserves a good share. In practice, they use this money for themselves instead of reinvesting it into other endeavours.

You need more than that if you want to set up a steelworks or a silicon fab. I understand that you probably mean no human being needs $42 million in pocket money to spend on gigantic houses and medium-sized yachts, but c'mon.

Yeah but he’s no Musk.

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