United States 288
Mexico 8
South Africa 6
India 5
Nigeria 4
Pakistan 4
Afghanistan 3
Canada 2
France 2
Brazil 2
Estonia 1
Hungary 1
Azerbaijan 1
Greece 1
Kenya 1
Germany 1
Turkey 1
Russia 1
China 1
Your link says 288, in the US, for 2022. A sibling's link to Wikipedia says 14, in the US, for 2022.
(And I'm going to trust Wikipedia more than a site running scam ads for "Liberals Are Furious That Trump Supporters Get This Trump Wrist Watch For Free!"…)
I haven't dug in, but I've looked into this before and you get very different results depending on how you define "school shooting". Everyone thinks of Sandy Hook or Columbine or something like that, but some stats also count "drug dealer shot once at other drug dealer and one of them was standing on the corner of the school parking lot", or (less dubiously, but still not exactly what one thinks when one hears "school shooting") a targeted killing, often of a teacher by another adult (think: bad break-up). Or a suicide with a gun at school (as in Pearl Jam's "Jeremy"). Or one student very specifically targeting one other student with no intent of hurting anyone else (bullying, gang stuff, boyfriend/girlfriend drama gone way too far)
All those other things are bad, but stats that include them can be misleading if you've got the wrong idea about what they're counting as a "school shooting".
That exact trick is used for broader stats about 'gun violence'. More than half of the deaths counted as 'gun violence' are suicides, not murders.
Counting suicides as gun violence is convenient for a narrative, because areas with friendlier gun laws, and thus, more guns per capita, tend to have more suicides by gun. It's a common hack move to plot those two numbers and show a correlation.
Ah yes, the classic "I'm gonna compare the entire US to Europe but I'm gonna exclude the parts of Europe that make the comparison not favorable to the point I'm trying to make" slight of hand."
When it's social attitudes, there is no Europe east of the Oder.
When it's about effective government, half the nations on the Mediterranean don't count.
When it's about nice infrastructure only the rich western and northern bits are "Europe".
Nobody is fooled by these dishonest comparisons anymore than they would be fooled by a definition of the US that excludes the flyover states or the Detroits and Baltimores.
>When it's about effective government, half the nations on the Mediterranean don't count.
I'm from Spain, you don't know shit.
First, Spain it's highly decentralized. The North, the South, the Mediterranean, the Castilles, Madrid and the two archipelagos have NOTHING to do with each other.
Think of Spain as "the United Autonomous Contuies of Spain", something akin to USA-lite.
The rough mountainous surface of Spain makes the provinces VERY diverse from each other, from freezing cold winters, chilly rains with more rain than the UK (no kidding again) to plain deserts, tundras, rough coasts, sunny coasts, wheat fields and so on.
Don't let me start on culture, we still have a working pre-Roman language there. The French in the South-West too.
The Basque Country, Valencia, Catalonia and Madrid have a better life on average than the US by large.
We the Basques have been trading with the UK since... the Industrial Revolution. And before that, we have been casting iron since the fucking ROMANS.
Oh, yes, what a shithole do we live. For sure /s. Ask Mondragón or Zamudio for IT HQs for a LOT of companies on how bad are they doing.
The Castilles are doing ok but these are regions with a HIGHLY sparse and separated population, where you have less people per squared km than Lapland, so they have a good excuse to not being as developed (overall) as Madrid or Barcelona. Yet, they aren't a 3r would country by no means.
Are you gonna to lecture us in which supposed shithole do we live? Because you would be chastened by the experience.
Oh, and on "the Northern European Countries", yes, oh, wow, so developed, so rich, so powerful, yet they fucked around with the Covid like hell by being careless idiots and yet they called us lazy fucks and such when we had one of the most STRICT lockdowns in Europe.
The irony.
Hollywood and the stereotypes did a great damage on the Southern Europe thanks to that Anglo-Saxon malice and inferiority complex against the Roman legacy.
Let me tell you something, you, the so "superior race" against us, the inferior and drunkard South Europeans: at least we don't stay beer-roasted at work like a lot of places in Germany. We did our best, and yes, we have corruption, but they have too and worse, they avoid to shout out their crap publicly as if nothing happened.
One day I'll post what the shithole it's Iceland on some of the energy and industry policies overseas and you'll shit bricks on the so-called "North European Efficiency".