WordPress can be used as a static site generator via the Simply Statuc plugin. It needs some thought into the design ( which plugins won't work because it isn't dynamic anymore), but it's a decent way of having the UX for non-developers/other very technical folk while having the security, stability, deployability and maintainability of static hosting.
You do realize that this whole concept is an overkill, don't you?
Just think about it: you need to have installed PHP, MySQL / MariaDB, and a plugin to generate static content, whereas with a SSG that exists you go straight to the phase of generating your content.
Personally I plan to use Hugo for tiny to small websites that get updated once in a blue moon and for more complicated websites, I have many options to choose from; for sure WordPress is not one of them and that's a fact!
Of course it's overkill, but i prefer that than to "force" marketing and adjacent people to learn Markdown and maybe even HTML/CSS ( at least the basics).
My own website is built with Hugo, but based on my experience building WordPress websites and helping friends "using" them with basic HTML/CSS tips i wouldn't recommend that for everyone.