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I'm going through the Google interview process right now, second round. My interviewer has rescheduled three times in the past week, each with less than 24hrs notice and without a reason given.

Is there a 'safe' space I can give feedback regarding this that doesn't damage my chances of making it through the process?

You need to talk to your recruiter and let them know this is an issue. They are incentivized to hire you and are there to help you and give you a good impression of Google. The recruiter isn’t going to tank your chances of making it through unless you say something that is egregious and a red flag.

Just be straightforward and ask if there’s another interviewer available

Don't. It isn't going to help you or them.

Just roll with it. It's all upside from the interviews. It's largely a good place to work and worth the headaches during interviews. Smile and carry on.

During my interview process, my recruiter was very much my advocate. Have you talked to them honestly about this? It should not hurt you. I'm sorry you're going through this.

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