It is one of the most interesting rules in sports, and does make for some incredible stories on the (rare) occasion when it is invoked. I first heard of this when Scott Foster played for the Blackhawks and thought it was one of the coolest things I'd ever heard of in my life at the time. And I still think this is one of the coolest things ever. Talk about memories that will last a lifetime. Wow.
I'd be careful with that link. I clicked a link to a similar video where Dave Grohl invited a kid from the audience to play guitar at a Foo Fighters concert. I watched it, and a couple other videos YouTube suggested involving audience members invited to play during pop or rock concerts.
I had never heard of Dave Grohl before watching that video, and had never knowingly listened to Foo Fighters music. I had heard of them, and probably heard some of their songs in passing without knowing it, and that's all.
Nevertheless Google apparently decided I was obsessed with Dave Grohl and for the next couple of months my Google News feed has several Dave Grohl stories per day. Very few of them had anything to do with music. They were almost always trashy celebrity gossip such as who Grohl was seen with or when he was drunk and that kind of thing.
(And no, I don't normally follow any celebrity gossip--I only see celebrity gossip when a celebrity does something outrageous enough to make the national news, so this wasn't simply Google seeing that I liked gossip and adding Grohl to the mix).
I wasn't clicking those stores, and after a couple weeks I started clicking the "fewer stories like this" option, but they still kept almost completely filling up the "For You" part of my Google News feed.
I've never had that happen before or since with any other random link I've followed to a video. Just with Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters.
not really sure what this means in practice. should i always provide a disclaimer that Google ads will follow you for the next 6 months with every youtube link i post?
i install uBlock Origin for everyone i know with a computer, and additionally uMatrix for myself, so have no idea what kind of landfill everyone else has to surf through.