Credit cards are not secured by collateral. A good chunk of corporate loans are unsecured. Just take a look at a real balance sheet of a real bank. Wells Fargo has over $50 bill of just credit card loans. No collateral.
A statement isn't a "game" just because it's inconvenient.
Go through the balance sheet of one of the banks. You'll learn a lot. It will become real instead of some theoretical thing. You'll see how the assets are funded by the liabilities (deposits). You'll see that banks really can't make up money out of thin air.
Here is a simple, real, publicly listed bank in Hawaii:
Go to page 100 and check out the balance sheet. They have about 13 bill of loans out. They own a little over 8 bill of mortgage backed securities. Their total deposits are about 21 bill. Is this some strange coincidence? Of course it isn't.
Anybody who is actually making a loan, rather than playing rhetorical games.
Banks are discount houses. They allow us to spend real things.
Except for the bank serving government, which discounts the power to tax.