There are a lot more costs than what it took to purchase the raw materials. It wasn't one specific quarter, it was simply the last quarter. And they were the first large cosmetics company I could think of.
I have no strong opinion on cosmetics either way, but it would be hypocritical for me to hate on someone for buying something with large profit margins. I'm typing this on a Macbook Pro attached to a 27" Cinema Display. Apple's margins last quarter? 25.58%. Their Return on average equity was a staggering 44.81%. Now that's fat.
I have no strong opinion on cosmetics either way, but it would be hypocritical for me to hate on someone for buying something with large profit margins. I'm typing this on a Macbook Pro attached to a 27" Cinema Display. Apple's margins last quarter? 25.58%. Their Return on average equity was a staggering 44.81%. Now that's fat.