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Yes, multiple times. It went/is going great!


- A single API server, no separate database to worry about, configure, and update.

- Backups are as simple as backing up one file every so often. SQLite even has an API to do this from a live connection.

- Handles way more concurrent users than we’ve ever needed.

- Dev and test environments are trivial and fast.

- Plenty of tools for inspecting and analysing the data.


- There are certainly use cases it won’t scale to, or at least not without a bunch of work, but in my experience those are less than 1% of projects. YMMV.

- The type system (even with the newish stricter option) has nothing on Postgres. I realise this is basically a non-goal but I’d seriously love to somehow combine the two and get PG’s typing in a fast, single file embedded DB library.

- Postgres JSON support is also better/nicer IMO.

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