Time and temperature are other measurements mentioned in the article. Since it’s a hospital, you should probably assume some other data are available too. If you’ve never been to a hospital or doctor’s office, you can either google “standard health data used in hospitals” or take my word for it that they have tools other than just EKGs. (I have been to several hospitals!)
Disregarding the EKG until temperature is in a normal range is 1) what the article says they did and 2) a combination of two different metrics to paint a more complete picture than just one datapoint would provide. The EKG didn’t fail them. It was a memorable anecdote meant to convey to the author the state the body was in when it arrived.
Disregarding the EKG until temperature is in a normal range is 1) what the article says they did and 2) a combination of two different metrics to paint a more complete picture than just one datapoint would provide. The EKG didn’t fail them. It was a memorable anecdote meant to convey to the author the state the body was in when it arrived.