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BYOT: Bring your own team for new-grads (byot.app)
90 points by mapsdkhsd on April 25, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 52 comments

As a former hiring manager, I am a little puzzled what the deal is for employers.

New grad positions are usually the easiest to fill, by far - much easier than any software engineering position where you’re hiring for some former experience. Also, new grads are almost always put on a team with more experienced engineers - one new grad at a time. This is so they get mentorship, onboarding and taking team dynamics into account.

So I see little to no point in bringing a cohesive group of new grads into a company, who want to negotiate a higher compensation to come in, as a group. Instead: just hire individual new grads, have them start together, they are broken up into teams but give them space to socialise with each other. It’s how new grad programs work at most tech companies.

I get that this setup sounds amazing for new grads. Come with a team you already know! Earn more money!

But I just don’t see the sell working for most companies.

Paying a premium to hire a team of engineers with experience absolutely makes sense, assuming that team keeps working as the same unit. This is why acqui-hires often negotiate a higher price than hiring each member would be. Note that during acqui-hires, companies interview each team member and usually refuse to take on people who they decide don’t meet their hiring bar.

A team of new grads, who likely wouldn’t work on the same team after hiring? Trusting interviewing with a third party company which probably has a different standard than my company? Paying more for this group than if I individually hired new grads? I cannot see any appeal, putting my hiring manager hat on.

What am I missing?

Indeed, that is one of the primary concerns on the employer side we've heard.

It is easier to hire new grads for sure. Our solution to that is to offer highly desirable engineers. Our founding group is a set of high school friends, currently all juniors at Caltech, CMU, and MIT. In our first batch, we have numerous groups with high Putnam scores, high ranking competitive programmers, and 2+ FAANG internships. There will likely be a sense of FOMO for companies in order to recruit these groups, as they'd be losing out on multiple highly regarded talents. Eventually, we would scale down the quality factor as this method of hiring becomes less peculiar. We've already had a number of companies commit, so I suppose it's working.

Plus, these students don't necessarily need to work together in the same department. Students have expressed a tremendous want towards just being in a new city with the same subset of friends.

There's also some unfounded benefits we will be analyzing and testing in our first few batches. We theorize that this could greatly influence the retention and burnout rates at companies, which is a big issue in tech.

As for trusting a third-party with interviews. We agree that this is one of the biggest leaps companies will have to make, but we think multiple rounds of leet-code style interviews aren't correlated with success anyway. And, applicants have to do basically the same problem sets over at each interview and company. We also let companies add supplemental questions to roles, like the college admissions process, so we hope that's enough to bridge the gap for now. I agree that is might be even more experimental, but I think it's necessary in the long run, for other reasons too.

I think its a cool idea, but unless this is aimed at large tech companies (which maybe it is, I can't tell), I can't see the value here. I know you are from highly sought after school but to be honest the working industry of software engineering is very little like your college experience.

You are not going to be hired as new grads to be writing proofs using turing machines. You are going to be thrown into the grinder of (most likely) web application development & software engineering (which you may have taken a class on, but is nothing like the actual experience). Working as a professional software engineer requires so many things not taught in school that the only way to learn this stuff is through experience.

I am not trying to sound like a old bastard but you are over-valuing your hand. Competitive programming, FAANG internships, are all great but its not the same as actually having a job. The hiring shortage is mainly senior engineers and if you were offering an app for senior engineers to find a job together I could see that really paying off, but for new grads I don't see the employers going for it.

It is even worse when aimed at large tech companies. These companies don't experience FOMO when they see a resume of a CMU grad. They get mountains of those a year. And further, large tech companies are going to be less likely to be able to adjust their hiring processes to substitute some external process.

Thank you for the advice. Addressing the first part, yes, we are aiming at large tech companies. This is mostly because we need companies that actually need to hire large numbers of people since groups of 4 > individuals.

Of couse we thought about addressing senior engineers as well, much like Stripe's original hiring program, but we determined that there were too many problems regarding that for now.

There might be a potential market in HFT/trading firms (market makers). They're struggling to recruit right now (industry is doing very well, so high headcount growth) and they're usually pretty small so joining w/ friends means working in closer proximity than you might get in big tech.

Their small class size and heavy new-grad hiring also means that they're usually more flexible with recruiting and some would probably welcome a new pipeline for talented new grads like this.

My experience is that HFT/trading firms are almost exclusively looking for seasoned professionals like low latency engineering specialists. There's typically the expectation of providing value and filling expertise gaps almost right off the bat. Fresh grads are incapable of doing that.

> Our founding group is a set of high school friends, currently all juniors at Caltech, CMU, and MIT. In our first batch, we have numerous groups with high Putnam scores, high ranking competitive programmers, and 2+ FAANG internships.

That's cool, but I think your inexperience might be blinding you about what actually makes a good engineering team. The actual hard part of software engineering is almost entirely disjoint from competitive programming or math competitions. When I hear a sentence like this I read "potential, but needs mentorship." It is hard for me to imagine this making me more likely to want to hire a blob of new grad engineers onto the same team.

It’s true that if you can say “you can hire from {top N colleges like MIT}” then this would be attractive. Trouble is, this won’t scale beyond the top 10: the ones which get far more recruiter reachouts than students.

The other thing that could be a sell is retention. Retaining new grads beyond a year or two is notoriously difficult. If you’d have data or proof that this approach significantly increases retention and its because of the group setting, that could make the premium laid worthwhile.

You still need to convince companies to trust your assessment method: not a problem while you only have new grads from the very top schools, but would be a problem if you open up to all colleges.

> Retaining new grads beyond a year or two is notoriously difficult.

surely it's not that difficult:

the value to an employer of a, er, "lightly-used second hand" grad with +1-2 years of real world engineering experience is dramatically higher than that of a completely green new grad. if an employer takes the initiative to award market-rate anchored raises commensurate with the value a junior engineer with 1-2 years of experience can produce, wouldn't that solve most of the problem?

(or do junior engineers often switch jobs for reasons entirely unrelated to employers not offering market-rate salary progression? )

Retaining new grads is largely a function of companies being unwilling to recognize that when adjusted for experience salaries often increase 50% a year for new grads. HR departments often think 5% is a generous raise and the gap created over two years is staggering. Even if you get a promotion package with a 50% raise you end up getting something over a 25% raise for leaving (in terms of your newer higher salary).

It’s kind of shocking that we say retention is so hard it’s close to impossible when we don’t acknowledge our own processes lead to a dramatic salary shortfall. I think if we paid new engineers accurately in the first five years of their career the number leaving for new jobs would dramatically decline.

I think youre right for a lot of cases, but there are a few reasons Ive been subject to. You dont know what aspects of the work are persistent across orgs (grass is greener bias but maybe it actually is, its hard to tell), the work can be boring, you might be looking for a better cultural fit. My local team is very small and our tasks disparate, so local cooperation is lacking despite having to be in office. Processes may look smoother elsewhere, or you might just feel undervalued. You mention paying a competitive salary, that also seems hard to do via raises for some reason. Switching jobs can be such a waste but its your best chance to earn and learn more

> It’s true that if you can say “you can hire from {top N colleges like MIT}” then this would be attractive.

I'm not even sure this is true. The big tech companies that they are targeting can already hire from the top programs.

> Trouble is, this won’t scale beyond the top 10

This is the rub. How many graduates do the top 10 programs put out annually? That's a very hard cap on this sort of system, even if employers get on board with farming recruiting out to a bunch of undergrads. Picking very loose numbers of 10,000 grads annually, an incredible 10% adoption rate of the program, and $10,000 charged per placement. That's... 10m in revenue per year.

Thanks for your input! I agree with all your points. Right now, we're just doing things that don't scale and hoping it works out. A year after the first two batches graduate, hopefully we have enough data points to workout tangible benefits.

If you take away “universities where everyone wants to hire from but very few can”, I am personally dubious of what else there is left.

Also you might want to look to understand what went wrong at Triplebyte which wanted to provide a one interview-only experience for experienced candidates but it never worked. Companies still did their interviews. The company also had to pivot their business model from this and explained in detail why they did it [1]

Triplebyte was targeting a very valuable and hard-to-hire group of experienced engineers. You are targeting the easiest to hire group. Consider what will make you succeed as a business where Triplebyte could not, even though they solved for a much bigger pain point for hiring managers.

[1] https://triplebyte.com/blog/rethinking-triplebyte

Why would that be attractive to employers?

Why would it be a problem if opened up to more schools? I’d love to hear the subtext here made explicit.

> Our founding group is a set of high school friends, currently all juniors at Caltech, CMU, and MIT. In our first batch, we have numerous groups with high Putnam scores, high ranking competitive programmers, and 2+ FAANG internships. There will likely be a sense of FOMO for companies in order to recruit these groups, as they'd be losing out on multiple highly regarded talents.

Don't take this the wrong way, I don't want to subtract anything from your accomplishments. What you are describing as "highly regarded" is primarily different forms of artificial tests that provide a leading indicator of talent or quality, but are not the same thing as having a proven track record of success shipping high quality software.

Most companies, especially larger companies, even tech companies, are more conservative than they let on. What you are essentially doing is showing "benchmarks" for a team the way one would for hardware, but the thing that really matters isn't how well something scores on benchmarks, it's how well it runs the actual application that your business cares about. Conservative companies don't buy hardware on the basis of benchmarks, they wait for reviews using their applications or get a proof of concept built. So it goes with hiring as well.

As someone who's hired many engineers, when I think "highly regarded", I think someone that people I know and respect in the workplace speak about with positive reviews and references, not someone who has a high rank on LC, a high GPA, and won a math contest. Of course, this is unfair for new grads because they cannot have met anyone who would refer them yet, except perhaps through internships. That's the reality of things though, and it's part of why who you know is often as important or more important than what you know in life.

I would find this program more compelling as a hiring manager if it was a team of people who had previously worked together (even if that was in college) but had individual separate work experiences showing success outside the team, e.g. 2-3 years after you have all bagged your first full-time job. At that point, you would have each individually demonstrated success, and have described a preference for working together with strong camaraderie. That's worth hiring as a group at a premium, since team morale and camaraderie is often one of the most crucial pieces of performance.

The idea of a company being more cohesive seems appealing from the employer side as well.

I don't remember if I've seen studies to back this up, but I'd suspect that retention is much higher when your employees have formed meaningful relationships within the company.

Possibly retention? A group of friends coming into something together might stick around longer than a typical new grad.

On the other hand, they might all bounce as a group if they're unhappy.

Nah, turnover would be higher. 6 Months in they're screaming at each other because they can't decide on spaces or tabs.

There are new grads who are already at senior level and have been working for several years.

They're definitely a minority but they exist and if this company can select groups of new grads that ship. I remember very well I was working with a team of great engineers when I was in uni and we all sadly split up to pursue different careers.

That said, focusing on new grads sounds limiting, if I was BYOT I'd allow any groups of developers to participate. There is plenty of freelancers groups who may find it attractive to work together for a single client.

The main reason I don't like working inside companies is that I'm subject to whatever BS management think will make us more productive. In hindsight, in my 15 years of professional experience, that never works. A group of motivated seniors contributors will always find a way to self organise which is more efficient than whatever rituals are imposed.

From experience, this is not dissimilar to the internship-to-hire programs large firms like Qualcomm have used. At anywhere even 10% of that company's size, any individual can easily feel lost in a tidal wave -- triply so if your firm is facing any significant mountain of work prohibiting a good onboarding. Some employers may think this is even advantageous for them, but it can burnout the new hires fast.

The difference with this is the new cohort would have better cohesion from the get-go and might stand a greater chance of dealing with cultural fusion, imposter syndrome, "am I paid appropriately" syndrome, "why shouldn't I advocate a union" syndrome, etc

Quite the opposite. Cohesion likely means non-diverse. HR would prefer that each team member be as different as possible in terms of age, sex, race, etc.

The less cohesive the team, the better my team looks to the HR gods that send me threatening meeting invites.

They might be a good team. A team of undergrads built Facebook.

Agree it could be a hard sell internally but if they had a track record of building great apps, I could see hiring them to build another one.

That said, if a team is that strong they should probably start their own company.

They might be a good team. A team of undergrads built Facebook.

On the other hand, they might be a terrible team. A team of undergrads built Facebook.

> but if they had a track record of building great apps

In that case, we should not primary refer to them as to "new-grads". The primary thing about them is that they already successfully build multiple apps. They should be referred to as "existing team".

The obvious hyper-brogrammer generator. Sounds like the opposite of what everyone wants.

This seems like pretty bad solution to a pretty straightforward problem. Imagine the weird cliques you'd import into your company culture while dealing with essentially a mini-union of entitled kids from the world's most overrated undergrad programs.

I've worked with folks from these schools and juxtaposed with state school grads, there isn't anything special about them that makes them more desirable when it comes to actually working on a business problem that involves software.

Yeah, this is probably going to bring in overconfident, unmanageable cliques far more often than great cohesive teams that aren’t looking to strike out on their own. I say this as someone who graduated from an elite school (so not sour grapes or anything)...

This sounds just like the cliche that every Hollywood movie tells us (the rest of the world) about college. That is to say, I nearly zoned out at the first sentence. I studied CS at a German non-campus university, in a time (it's not THAT long ago) when we didn't even have BSc+MSc, but something that usually took 8-15 semesters. I didn't even finish at the same time as most of the people I spent time with. We all had different subjects for the latter part (just as you split off after your BSc I assume). Also for the record, if you think your study group (including you) at college are the brightest people you ever met, you should get out more.

Interesting that they're doing this for new grads.

I've thought about whether you could have a site like this for experienced teams.

Lots of people stay at employers that suck, because they like their teammates and don't want to let them down. I think it would be a game changer if experienced teams could jump ship in one go. It would certainly benefit the new employer as the cost of hiring would be less, and the time to getting productive would be less. From the employees side, a company that's in the market for an entire team is an attractive prospect, since it's likely to be in a growth phase and well funded

Informally, it's not that rare for a complete team to leave a company and all, or mostly, end up at the same new employer. But formally lots of people have non-solicitation clauses and it may also be some kind of tort to invite people to violate them. But I do wonder how easy or hard such a site would be to legally defend.

That would be the kind of 'disruptive innovation' I could get behind: changing the balance of power and making people's lives better.

Both of my tech jobs specifically have had non-solicitation clauses to prevent me from doing this type of thing. They both have 1 year lock outs on convincing my friends to quit their jobs

Of course. The question is whether there is some 'creative' way round it. We have enough startups that are creative with the law to weaken the position of individuals, with respect to privacy, employment, etc. Why not to strengthen it?

To any team of students considering applying for this, please let me suggest an alternative:

Don't waste your time working for the kind of company that would choose to hire through such a program.

Instead, build something together that you think would make a positive difference in the world.

Don't squander your lives selling advertisements or developing weapons or "increasing the efficiency of the markets". Don't sell out. Do something meaningful, damn it.

> Don't waste your time working for the kind of company that would choose to hire through such a program.

Why are you so confident you know the labor market? Why are the companies that might considering hiring this inherently be exploiting the team?

I'd like to think a handful of people would be able to spot a griftshop better than an individual and this reads to me like a variant of collective bargaining.

> Instead, build something together that you think would make a positive difference in the world.

The types of new grads who have the social connections to meaningfully act on bright ideas...shouldn't.

I’ll preface this by saying I don’t want to be overly negative or discouraging, but this is the sort of feedback you’re going to get when you post here.

I see zero incentive for large tech companies to hand over their interview process to a company run by juniors in college. Zero. As someone else mentioned, Triplebyte failed and had to pivot for a reason.

And if you’re saying, “you don’t even all need to work on the same team,” the incentive is even lower. If I’m bringing in a known team (and for new grads, unless that team has a track record of shipping something substantive together, hiring managers do not care about some students in a club or discord), I’m doing so because I know the value they can provide together. If I’m just going to put them all in different roles and teams anyway, why would I do a mass negotiation? What is in it for the company hiring, especially from a negotiation standpoint, when different teams and roles have different salary scales?

Beyond that, while this sounds great for the grads, this doesn’t seem great for anyone but maybe mid-tier or lower tech companies who struggle to recruit from the top 10 schools. And based on your website and answers here, those aren’t places that your current cohort would be interested in working at (nor that could afford the salaries you would be trying to negotiate).

Where I could see this sort of idea working would be in research sciences or academia, where existing cohorts and teams are very important. Now, for that, you’re not looking at new undergrads, you’re looking at grad students or post-docs, but at least there I could see the value in trying to hire a group of people from the same place who have actual experience working together.

But if I’m a company hiring, or even an individual manager, I really don’t care that 3 or 4 undergrads are friends or have some other relationship to one another. Especially since this seems designed to just get kids to team up together to try to get bigger offers from the same company, regardless of whether they want to maintain social relationships or not.

One final note: your website mentions “absolutely no recruiters” but the role of BYOT is to be a recruiter. If you want to say no outside recruiters, fine. But you’re inserting yourself as the middle man between the hiring managers and the applicants, presumably to take a cut for finding the talent. That’s a recruiter.

This makes so much sense. As I look back on the last 20 years of my career the things that set one place above another is the team and relationships.

I spend most of my time at a new job trying to recruit my former colleagues over. Team is everything. Once you have a group of people who work well together, the problem doesn't matter.

I saw someone saying they'd fight over tabs/spaces - nope. That's what two strangers do. A team has already settled on spaces.

If there are any employers reading my comment, hit me up if you want a solid team.

Doesn’t sound like these guys have bothered to think through the value prop. There’s no upside for me, the employer.

I'm not sure it's a good idea.

Working relations are not of the same nature as friends relations, they are less stable and they are, by default, less important. They are also highly affected by the company policies and by individual careers evolution. Ultimately, your relation with your coworkers is constrained by your individual roles in the company. Believe me, you don't want one of your best friends to become your manager.

I'd rather prefer my coworkers to become my friends, than my friends to become my coworkers.

One particular use case I'd like to bring up (that you did mention!) are couples as well as grad students. I met my husband in graduate school for our masters, but when we were looking for jobs, it was extremely difficult to find companies that accepted us both even though we applied for the same positions. Like, I would get into one company, but my SO would get rejected. Eventually, we settled for different companies in the same city, but it was SUCH A PAIN and stressful. The other alternative we looked at was just both working remotely. So, I would have loved something like this so we could've just applied together!

Also, I also agree that one-application should work. There's no reason that it's necessary to do so many interviews. Questions were pretty much the same and they weren't relevant to the job at hand, so why ask them? To assess my skill? Then, a single central application would do.

Still, I would like this for non-grads as well. So my husband and I can use it lest we do this entire thing again. Also agree that knowing someone intimate increases retention. I really dislike the company I work at, but it pays well and my family is here!

My observations from university were that the people who always needed to be in the same group were also the lowest performers, the worst team mates, and the most sensitive to criticism. Their groups provided comfort and safety to them.

The ones who were used to working in different teams (because that's how their courses and schedules worked) were easily the best team mates.

Negotiate a salary to get a higher comp than you'd have gotten individually.

If groups of friends truly believe that they can earn more together, as soon as one person gets a good offer from a company that doesn't want to hire the whole group they'll have to choose to reject it, or to be the reason why their friends earn less. There will be companies that interview the whole team and then only make an offer to one of them.

This is going to kill some of college friendships.

So this company is a broker, or an employment agency, or a headhunter, or some kind of intermediary. How does that part work, exactly? Who pays whom how much and when?

This makes me wonder, does an average software engineer (salary 125k+) have less workplace political power than an average union construction laborer (40k+)?

Yes, because organizing software engineers is like herding cats. A former workplace literally had us form a "guild" with standing meetings, and we still couldn't meaningfully coordinate on a thing.

Why did you select these institutions in particular?

Carnegie Mellon University University of California, Berkeley Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cornell University Princeton University Stanford University California Institute of Technology Harvard University Yale University Dartmouth College Brown University Duke University

…and which ones will be added soon?

Founders are CMU students; presumably the rest of the schools on the list are various name-brand private schools (plus Berkeley). Texas (and Illinois, Michigan, etc.) are notably missing from this first round list; that's the founders' loss.

Yeah it is a weird list. Dartmouth, Brown, and Duke? Good programs, but definitely below a number of public schools (Washington, Michigan, UW-Madison, UT-Austin, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UIUC, and probably others that aren't coming to mind right away).

Wow; that’s a little gross if you ask me.

This could be a good thing. Really.

There are gangs of CS grads (and undergrads) with irreplaceable team chemistry.

They might see a only glimmer of that through the entirety of their Professional career.

They also know no different than soaring together, as a team.

They aren’t brow beat. They deliver, and they cater to each other’s strengths in a way that Middle Management cannot fathom.

Terribly clever.

This is a great idea, but no so great for managers.

Given Austin is on the list of desired cities, The University of Texas would have been a nice first round choice for this program.

Consider applying for YC's Spring batch! Applications are open till Feb 11.

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