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Why do you assume the poster ever cared about git, naming or racism? Even among Americans, these are minority. Moreover, HN is more of actively hostile tonideas like that. You don't even know whether OP is American. You are doing literally what you complain about why you complain about it.

Moreover, bohemian literally means "a socially unconventional person, especially one who is involved in the arts". I am guessing you probably misread it as "gypsy" or "roma" where such stereotype might exist (tho negative stereotypes about them are much different nowdays afaik, but were be like that in past)

Bohemia is a place and a people within what is now the Czech republic.

"Bohemian" got that meaning because French aristocratic youth saw Roma gypsy immegrants and just called them whatever the closest east European neighbors they thought of.

The fact that you think it is a lifestyle and not a people shows just how much history is lost. Somehow king Wenceslas got turned into a Christmas carol, but that's about it.

Czechs are not referred to as bohemians. Gypsies are not referred to as bohemians.

And I don't just "think" it is lifestyle. I checked multiple dictionaries and they all refer to it as lifestyle. And the way it was used, it was always used as lifestyle. I never even seen it being used for either czechs or gypsies.

That does not prove anyone nowdays refers to Czechs or gypsies as Bohemians. Bohemia is not even made fun of within czech republic, there are no special negative stereotypes or oppression made to it. They call themselves czechs, they don't tend to refer to themselves as bohemians.

It just ... exists. And contains capital.

And the word in English means what I wrote and not whatever you imagine it to mean.

Strange, my father's entire family (emigrated from the region in the late 1800's) still refer to themselves as Czech and Bohemians almost interchangeably. It has fallen out of use, but "bohunk" was an ethnic slur that was semi-common for most of my grandparents lives.

To be clear, I am not saying that the word bohemian is used as a slur. I am merely finding it ironic that people who have qualms about things like "master" in git or "microagressions" have no problem using a word that was used in France to make light of any genetic eastern Europeans. "bohemian" as an artsy, free living, dirt poor hippy utterly erases centuries of history of a real people (not even the people they thought it applied to).

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