I mean, sure, among the parents. Plenty of people in Asia love relationships for the same reasons young people do in the West: sex, money, status, comfort, etc. -- without needing an end goal of launching families.
The main difference is a lot of people here feel pressured by their families into a path to starting a family they don't want. Some balance those opposite forces, some just give in and have unwanted families while cheating to get what they really want.
Anecdotally, I've noticed a clear contrast since moving from the USA to Asia. Cheating is far more common here. I've dated a number of "taken" women here, and the common thread always seemed to be that they kept their unwanted partner around for appearances to placate family pressure.
The main difference is a lot of people here feel pressured by their families into a path to starting a family they don't want. Some balance those opposite forces, some just give in and have unwanted families while cheating to get what they really want.
Anecdotally, I've noticed a clear contrast since moving from the USA to Asia. Cheating is far more common here. I've dated a number of "taken" women here, and the common thread always seemed to be that they kept their unwanted partner around for appearances to placate family pressure.