When we got fiber, our internet didn’t speed up. We just saw a monthly rate increase. The providers here throttle it so significantly that there isn’t any benefit, not even for upload. The plans that cost an extra $150 per month have far higher limits but that’s insane
I'm sure there are a lot of other bottlenecks as well. I have a pretty run of the mill mid-tier cable plan for $100/month in the US and, assuming it's working like it's supposed to, I've pretty much never been on another connection anywhere including in company offices that made me go "This is so much faster than at home."
I'm far from an expert on L3-L2 ISPs and their tech, but they usually rent the line from whoever owns it and then sell it back to you - then they cap the speed between you and the box.
It's most likely an operational mistake - have you called and asked for them to nuke the line and then set it up again?
Or are you saying that you are getting your advertised speeds, and those just didn't go up when you "got fiber"?
Don't know which one is more worrying if true, to be honest.
Canada us always a safe bet for extraordinarily bad internet speed, connection reliability and price. In my experience, our ISPs would make Comcast look like saints. (I'm looking at you, Bell)
I'm on telus fibre, it's only fast within telus' local network because their peering is SHIT. So unless all you're going to do is speedtest all day long telus isn't going to help you.
I'm on Telus gigabit fibre, for $69/mo. I've never once had issues with throttling, even when I was on Shaw (the 300mbps plan). What kind of throttling are you getting and in what use cases?