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RIP, dmr (muppetlabs.com)
565 points by breadbox on Oct 13, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

I love the `return 0;`. Something sad has happened, but it's not the end of the world and everyone continues on.

I think "return -1;" would have been appropriate =(

But seriously, this page actually brought a tear to my eye. It's like all the C code in the world right now feels a little less cheerful...

EDIT: But yes, there is something oddly inspiring about the world just moving on.

Personally, I would rather an ENOENT error. Seems ... fitting, somehow.

Well, either that or the Windows error STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND.

True enough. It's not an error; it's expected behavior.

Not quite: it's expected behavior, but still an error. In the logic of a testsuite, it's an XFAIL.

I interpreted it as returning "success". In a more global context than just the program at hand.

Having read K & R long time ago, and enjoyed the concise book, it is a sad day. All C programs in the world must be returning success today.

It may be concise, but it is incredibly dense. I'm not sure there's a unnecessary word, let alone paragraph.

It definitely rewards persistent study, I've been programming for years, and I still learn something every single time I dip into it.

Man, I was just diving into C this week with Shaw's learn C the hard way and K & R (I'm beginning to wrap my head around pointers. Quite beautiful, really).

This snippet made me tear up. RIP, Dennis Ritchie.

RIP, Dennis Ritchie.

I love that the tribute code is short, concise and has enormous meaning.

Couldn't agree more

Something about C saying that is incredibly depressing. I cried.

Me also. Very sad news.

I know change happens, maybe it's a function of my age but this increasingly feels like I am living in a different world to the one I started my career in. Interestingly it's no the technology that that feels different, it's the loss of people and companies that shaped the older world.

I'm going back to this page almost every hour today and every time I get to "goodbye, dad\n" part I'm getting emotional... Excellent homage.

This marks the end of all my "Hello World!" first programs; replaced by "goodbye, dad\n"


Legends like DMR don't die, they just gosub without return


I know it's kinda tasteless, but `puts` is more appropriate.

Maybe, but printf() is the function used in the original hello-world program on p.6 of K&R.

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