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> What do they "like" about holding an NFT?

What do they like about holding Joe Montana's rookie card? Or a first-edition Charizard? Do they like having the physical card? Because we can do that with cardstock and inkjet printers.

It ain't my cup of tea in any case, but it also ain't my place to judge them for it or interrogate their motivations. If they want to collect Yu-gi-oh cards or bored monkey NFTs, power to 'em.

Sure, but certain people also like holding things like CSAM, which we as a society agree are more destructive to society as a whole.

So if collecting doesn't involve adding to the global warming crisis, I'd be much more okay with it.

> Sure, but certain people also like holding things like CSAM

And if holding an NFT (especially on a proof-of-stake blockchain, wherein the carbon footprint is negligible) was in any way comparable to holding child porn, then maybe that'd be a valid point.

Etherium just pushed back their proof-of-stake transformation again. It's reading more like vaporware than actual software delivery.

And there are a lot more NFT-capable proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies out there than just Ethereum.

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