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If I can guess, I'm guessing you're operating backwards. You like crypto, you want it to "win", (you've probably put money in it, and who puts money on things they're not convinced in?), so when you see article and people against crypto, you see them as having hidden motives and are just spreading propaganda.

Meanwhile whether you're conscious of it or not, here you are, having put your money on crypto, trying to preach to people that "It's the future!". Why? Of course you're cheerleading it, because you want your investments to go up. And they way that can happen is when more people are converted and buy it. Maybe there are layers of justifications between "My motivation is A, therefore B", but I think at the end of it, that's it.

> It would be interesting to know why the status quo financial system is held in such a high regard? Especially in light of the continual debasement of the dollar since it was decoupled from gold.

And here I think you've drunk the Kool-Aid. Where did you learn that this is bad? Probably from pro-crypto websites. Do you think they have a neutral view of it, or do you think they'd be selling you a version of why the past was bad, and a version of the way things should be, where the makers of these sites (people who are invested in crypto and want to profit) do profit? I'd wager what they're trying to peddle is bullshit, but I'm not an expert in this area. Yeah, the current financial system is also a bit of of a Ponzi scheme of "Trust me I'm good for it, you'll get your money in the future", but I don't think crypto will prevent that.

> I for one, take this perceived negative bias as a confirmation that Bitcoin is a genuine threat to the existing financial system. When Bill Gates (and other powerful people) bad mouth Bitcoin I smell a rat.

And when Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey tout crypto I smell bullshit. Perhaps you treat these two as sincere heroes wanting the best for mankind, that'd be the same way I see Bill Gates, he probably offered his opinion to the best of his knowledge.

> Does anyone else think this way? Am I just a dumb ass? :)

Well... it seems very easy to lead people astray, in a con, the mark does a lot of his fooling himself.

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