"Abso-friggen-lutely" on top of "three cheers" lacks qualification about the thing you cheered being less than good for anyone. You were abso-friggen-lutist.
Anyway, the open web standards are not failing. Dart is not a clearly better solution. I get your point about XHR, but do try to take mine about the whole history being a mixed bag, including what IE did. We can do better.
georgemcbay basically said [why shouldn't Google do what they want with their browser?], to which thristian replies [because...Microsoft]. I think that's a bullshit argument, especially since there's nothing about Dart that threatens to take away anyone's freedom to continue using Javascript or whatever else comes along.
I gave a bullshit reply to make a point; let's call it hyperbole. Of course I know that it was a mixed bag for everyone. Some good things did come out of it though, IE6 is almost gone and those good things are still here (and they've evolved). Evolution is slow and life itself IS indeed a mixed bag. Business is WAR!!
Anyway, I love, love, LOVE the fact that people are working on giving us lowly blub programmers a choice. :)
EDIT: Didn't realize who I was talking to, so let me be really clear that I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with all things in tech, including Javascript!
I have mixed feelings about JS and most software, but moreso JS than, e.g., Unix (BSD kernel code in the late '80s, not to date myself too much).
People seem to think I have some big ego investment in JS, but it's this thing I did in a hurry, but with a purpose that caught on when the web was young and growing fast. JS is not done, yet it will be hard to replace.
JS is easier to extend than some here claim (and as my recent comments have noted, not all the parties on the record asserting that it's hard to "fix" are truly giving it their best effort). As with most web standards, you can't remove stuff predictably, but new and more winning extensions can help retire worse old forms.
Business may be WAR but the modern browser era is marked by claims of peace and openness and standards conformance. So while Dart, and (I joke; I hope this doesn't happen) matching novelties from Apple ("Flechette") and Microsoft ("Javelin"), will take some attention off the standards, the forces operating in favor of standards will probably manage to keep JS evolving.
I actually miss some of the Googlers who have worked in TC39, or around the edges, but who are now full time on Dart or other projects. It seems like a lost opportunity to me, but it's Google's call.
Anyway, the open web standards are not failing. Dart is not a clearly better solution. I get your point about XHR, but do try to take mine about the whole history being a mixed bag, including what IE did. We can do better.