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Ok, I will make a long story short, here.

My current business began as a side project many years ago. At first, I was building/managing the technical aspect of the business( website, integration, inventory systems, fulfillment systems, etc )remotely on an average basis of 20 hours per week. I say average because some weeks I did nothing, and other weeks I worked more than my "day job".

Growth was so strong that I ultimately made the decision to jump ship from my prior company and make my current company a fulltime endeavor. It was one of the most difficult decisions I've made in my life, as the cofounder of my prior company was very close.

During this time, we've grown from < $100k/y revenues to > $5mm ( making an effort to be vague here ), and still enjoying good growth. We are profitable and never took a dime of VC.

Hopefully this anecdote answers your question sufficiently.

Would you be willing to talk to me a bit privately? I checked your profile and it looks like your biz is in the clothing space. That is something I have considered doing something with. If you are willing to chat a bit, my email is in my profile.


Inspirational anecdote ya got there. Thanks for sharing.

If you don't mind me asking. How long did it take to get to 5mm in revenues? Also, do you / did you ever have partners on this biz?

It's been many years; We've been building this company fulltime since 2005, and on a part time basis since 2002. Bootstrapping is a slog, since you make expansionary investments from cash flow only.

Yes, I have a co-founder. In fact, he's the majority owner.

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