> Yes, I'm saying if the gui tools expect postgres, they are likely to use postgres features,
Unlikely. A lot of such tools are mainly for displaying the data that's present; they might have support for displaying e.g. GIS types but they're not going to need to write GIS data into the database, and certainly not to the point where you can't run them at all if that's not possible.
All of these tools will at least run an introspection query to get the available tables and columns to display the data. But these queries will fail because SQLite doesn't have these tables.
So the idea is very nice, but any existing tool for PostgreSQL will not work. You need to either work with the psql terminal application or write a new client.
This is explicitly accounted for, as per the README:
> Many Postgres clients also inspect the pg_catalog to determine system information so Postlite mirrors this catalog by using an attached in-memory database with virtual tables.
Unlikely. A lot of such tools are mainly for displaying the data that's present; they might have support for displaying e.g. GIS types but they're not going to need to write GIS data into the database, and certainly not to the point where you can't run them at all if that's not possible.