> The harsh reality is that there is no single thing a 1x person can do to become 10x.
Any evidence for this? You may say there's no evidence that a 1x person can work up to 10x its performance, but stating it's impossible without evidence lacks merit.
The first I sort of already touched on below is that gaining a whole order of magnitude productivity, not just on a single task where a cool pattern applies but on average, is a really big effect size. If your colleagues start completing tasks that should take a month in 3 days, you would definitely notice.
The second order effect is that if we had discovered any method that reliably let an average person gain 10x productivity, it would have generated tremendous profit for companies and spread like wildfire. We haven't seen that, so we should be very suspicious when people claim a single bit of knowledge, method, or pattern is going to improve your performance by 10x.
(The other response, which is also annoying and unsatisfying, is that I'm making the boring claim that there is nothing interesting, so the burden of proof is actually not on me. If someone thinks there exists any intervention that can increase an arbitrary developer's performance by 10x, it's up to them to collect data and reject the null hypothesis)
Any evidence for this? You may say there's no evidence that a 1x person can work up to 10x its performance, but stating it's impossible without evidence lacks merit.