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Google's Steve Jobs tribute (google.com)
299 points by sahillavingia on Oct 6, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments

They are linking to the home page of Android's competitor. Google's statement says this event transcends money, transcends business, transcends all rational thought.

Observe a moment of silence and reflect. We all lost a great man whose vision changed everything - I just smile a little at the comments from people who say Steve Jobs didn't affect their life, because they don't carry an iPhone, or because they are a DIY guy, or because anything else. You didn't have to own an iDevice to have been touched by Steve Jobs - you lived in a world in which he tinted every facet of technology with his genius.

Truly my hero of heroes.

Also unheard of, Microsoft.com has a link on their homepage. Amazon, normally squeezing money out of every pixel has reserved a block for him (and it doesn't link to a book). Oddly, Pixar has nothing.

Pixar has a big tribute up now:


For all of the catty infighting we, as an industry, engage in at times I have been pleasantly surprised with how sincere and heartfelt a lot of the responses to this event have been. We are in danger of over-using the adjective "classy", but it seems apropos in most cases and this is yet another example.

This is not the end of a company or the failure of a product. It's the end of a human life.

I think we sometimes forget while we're bickering about this vs that how much mutual respect there is in the tech industry.

I strongly suspect that there are Android and iPhone fans who dislike each other massively more than those working at and running Google and Apple do. Reasonable people don't undertake these feats of engineering without admiring and respecting those who've been on similar journeys.

Minimalist, I think Steve would like it. Linking to apple.com was classy.

A screenshot, for when it’s gone:


The anchor text (Steve Jobs) links to http://www.apple.com/

I know they did a similar tribute for Edsgar Dijkstra in 2002. Are there any other times Google has done a home page tribute for a single person, like this?

Another one they linked to was Randy Pausch's last lecture.

Yes, but do you mean on their death, or "at all". I seem to recall Asimov and Turing both having tributes at one time or another for event other than their death (obviously).

Steve Jobs influenced the designer of Gmail 1.0, Google Calendar 1.0, and Google Reader 2.0: http://fury.com/2011/10/i-work-in-technology-because-of-stev...

Quote: While designing Gmail, the Apple mentality led me to approach design decisions from the standpoint of ‘what can I remove’ rather than ‘what can I add’.

Very, very classy.

ahh .. I didn't see it at first. Good.

Subtle. I was expecting a doodle. Didn't see the link.

Hopefully it's not a doodle. A doodle is something you have to prepare, design, draw, it's not made overnight.

The added text is an instant, unprepared change.

Having a doodle would be creepy, like "oh, we had that prepared already!" (well, a bit like boing-boing, I guess)

Newspapers and the press in general normally have an obituary team who write and update obituaries for noteworthy people who are still alive. That way if anything happens, they can be quick off the mark and publish a well researched article about the person. Occasionally these are published in error when the person in question is still alive.

This actually happened to Jobs a few years ago.

Perhaps they'll make a Doodle of him tomorrow.

More likely on his birthday.

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