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Larry Page on Steve Jobs (plus.google.com)
354 points by hornokplease on Oct 6, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

I am very, very sad to hear the news about Steve. He was a great man with incredible achievements and amazing brilliance. He always seemed to be able to say in very few words what you actually should have been thinking before you thought it. His focus on the user experience above all else has always been an inspiration to me. He was very kind to reach out to me as I became CEO of Google and spend time offering his advice and knowledge even though he was not at all well. My thoughts and Google's are with his family and the whole Apple family.

Thanks for posting. Apparently it's on the other side of a G+ login wall.

Page's comment strikes me as a very true, if subtle, distillation of Steve at his best.

I was able to read it without being logged in to any Google account. May I recommend that you only log in to Google accounts in a separate browser, or in an Incognito window in Chrome?

Check out google.com. Given their famously sparse home page, that's quite a tribute.

And with a link to Apple.com, no less. Usually they just link tributes to their own search results.

I just noticed that even Microsoft are carrying a notice on their homepage. Not as prominently, but still.

I was wondering what you were talking about and discovered that Microsoft's notice (unlike Google's) appears to only be on US version of Bing.

Actually, I think he meant microsoft.com mentioning the death under the "Latest News" banner. I don't see anything on Bing?

There's one on Bing as well.

Disney too, I noticed.

"as I became CEO of Google and spend time offering his advice and knowledge even though he was not at all well."

Doesn't Google compete with Apple? Why would Steve do that when Google is the number 1 competitor of Apple?

Prior to the release of the first Android phone, Jobs acted almost as a mentor to Larry/Sergey. In fact, the two companies were so closely aligned that there was an antitrust investigation:


Making world a better place. It's not about money all the time. And he certainly didn't share any trade secrets, just some general useful advices probably.

There are Google Services on the Iphone/Ipad and Eric Schmidt was on the Board of Directors at Apple.

Also Larry and Sergey are on his stage they changed how we see the world today as he did. I am pretty sure they both had valuable talks.

Steve at his best as someone said.

When I read this the first thing it reminded me was when Steve brought Bill Gates up on screen at MacWorld 97 and after all the booing said something along the lines of "we need to let go of the idea that for Apple to be successful Microsoft has to fail".

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