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a few unfortunate individuals What percentage of Americans do not have access to adequate health care?

You guys keep thinking about this as if the economy existed in a world where buzzwords & their associated connotations are absolute. You are not choosing between US 2008 & 1963 Soviet Russia. The most radical model likely to ever be proposed in the US is something like the UK's.

The system tries to provide internal pressure to reform (just like big companies do). There will probably be a decline in mean medical care from an economic utility standpoint (to the extent that term has any meaning - I think very little) There will be a dramatic improvement in health to the bottom 25% -30% resulting in huge gains to life expectancy & similar indicators.

As a bonus that the fear Americans have of being left without health cover will lift.

Capitalist evangelists of various sorts are always quick to point out there are no good example of command economies performing well. That's fair. But there are plenty of examples of 'socialist' health care systems that work. They perform well on any meaningful scales at a cost lower then the US's. From Cuba (an outlier but a very interesting one) to the UK to Japan. Pick one.

Read the book. It's highly recommended, and makes all the points you do and then some, and even points out an interesting compromise model that attempts to cover everyone, but still maintain some of the good effects of having a free market.

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