I was going to post "not normal at all", but then I noticed you mentioned recruiters. Are these 3rd party recruiters you are going through (i.e. not employed in-house by the companies)? If so you might want to consider the possibility that the recruiter is claiming to have scheduled an interview that the company hadn't really properly agreed to or were pressured into.
But in general when dealing directly with a company I'd say: no reply to an application is completely normal, but not turning up to scheduled interview is not at all.
I've been ghosted by 3rd-party recruiters since before we had the term. I've had 3rd-party recruiters make materially false claims about the job, the location, the pay bands. This is just bog standard industry behavior.
I've also had one 1st-party recruiter recruiter ghost me (oddly, from a world-famous law firm) that took the time to bring me in for on-site interviews.
Just as "go in person with a firm handshake to get a job" is a social norm of a bygone era, treating applicants with enough respect to at least send a generic "thanks for applying" is a dying norm. Folks feel they don't owe their fellow man any basic courtesies, be it replacing a shopping cart, or sending a rejection email.
With third party recruiters there can be many reasons (in another comment i mentioned some). But if it's a third party recruiter then this seems to be a pattern... find someone new.
[edit]: If you don't trust them. It might also be advisable to ask your data be deleted and recend permission of them sending your cv, name or other data to companies.
I went through the official channel, so I assume inhouse recruiters (although it appears like some of these recruiters are actually external recruiters but hired by the company to act like internal ones?).
But in general when dealing directly with a company I'd say: no reply to an application is completely normal, but not turning up to scheduled interview is not at all.