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Improvements to ant colonies or genetic algorithms are not pushing the field forward. It becomes a benchmark game and has been that for the last 20 years (which many abuse, you can start from a previous best solution and leave your computer running for days and just claim that your new algorithm improvement found the new best solution, it's also quite common to never release your code).

If you look at the roots of discrete optimization, all of the approaches used in a solver like Concorde (developed in the open), there's no where near the amount of development and paradigm shifts happening in ant colonies, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, tabu search, annealing and similar.

E.g., finding an efficient representation of time-windows+pickup-and-delivery+breaks+flexible-start-time that allows you to efficiently update the solution and get an answer if the solution is feasible after the change and what the new cost is, is more progress than changing some recombination patterns in your genetic algorithm that will result in improvement on the instance set you are optimizing for (basically overfitting to data).

Here's an example of a paper that lists various update/feasibility/cost diff algorithms and their time complexity for a bunch of subproblems on a list-of-location-ids representation. Any genetic algorithm that wants to be fast will need to deal with that too.


That's why I think that graph NNs might allow us to find a way to remap our simple representation to something more efficient that is easier to work with and that can apply local changes without much effort.

For example, what if you can apply a transformation to TSP problem with time windows by adding new vertices or changing the distance matrix to eliminate time windows completely but still keep applying very efficient local changes that bring you close to optimum fast (do the same for pickup-and-delivery, flexible start time, etc.). Similar thing, an integer linear programming solver is used but the way the constraints of your instance are defined is hard to work with, there is a local pattern you are not seeing that allows simplification.

There have been attempts to learn exploration strategies of ILP solvers with ML but none made leaps forward (unlike AlphaFold, AlphaZero, AlphaGo, or even AlphaCode - competitive programming code generation). The biggest reason for that is that the current principled algorithms (60-30 years old) are insanely good on fundamental problems.

I remember reading about a new set of constraints, nurse rostering (nurse scheduling), and once researchers applied the principled methods, all of the instances of interest got solved to proved optimality. The amount of genetic algorithms, ant colonies and who knows what that was applied to these instances in the meanwhile was ridiculous and unnecessary.

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