By quantized probability, I assume you mean something like "there is a minimal probability p for any possible event; if the probability we compute for some event is q < p, then that event is impossible".
If this is the right definition, then it's easy to disprove: for any p you chose, I can construct a series of events that each have probability q < p, but one of which is guaranteed to happen. This was the meaning of the examples I gave with the 10 thousand coins - the probability of any particular result after flipping the coins is extraordinarily small, and yet one of the results is guaranteed to happen.
Edit to add: to be clear, even if the universe itself were quantized, all measurable physical quantities, probability still wouldn't need to be quantized, as it's not a physical quantity, it's just a mathematical abstraction. Still, even in QM, not all physical quantities are quantized. For example, space (position) is not quantized in QM, and neither is time. They are both continuous quantities in all of the equations normally used. Planck time and Planck distance are only the shortest possible distances to measure precisely, given the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, but that doesn't require them to actually be quantized. In contrast, the quantization of mass, energy, spin etc are actually necessary for the theory to work, they are not just measurement artifacts.
Why do you think this is a result of an unquantized wavefunction rather than due to the mathematical edifice we use to model it? It's not clear to me that things like the product rule for probabilities would still hold if you're not transforming and normalizing amplitudes.