> You're welcome to pick pretty much any real world application, and I bet chrome will be ahead.
There are plenty of real-world JS applications where Chrome (well, V8) is much slower than competing browsers. Just browse through V8's bug tracker. For example, here is one I filed,
And I am sure there are even more such issues on the internal (non-public) issue trackers.
Different JS engines tune for different things, we can no longer say that any one of them is simply "faster" than all the rest. It depends on the benchmark.
The sunspider tests are also fairly dubious as a performance indicator because of their very short execution time, the Chrome team posted a modification which ran it 50 times to get a better idea of steady-state performance (http://blog.chromium.org/2011/05/updating-javascript-benchma...). Sunspider does act as a fairly good indicator of any latency overhead the JIT adds, though.
In terms of real-world scripting, almost any script I've benchmarked has always been ~1.5-2 times faster in Chrome than firefox (versions 4 through 6), except when bound by API calls (last I checked Firefox was on-par or better when dealing with TypedArrays). It looks like TypeInference might be a really big win though.
Who cares if browser startup takes 3 or 6 seconds? I start my browser in the morning, and never close it.
And who really cares if some browser eats 50% more RAM? RAM is ridiculously cheap, 8GB of laptop memory with the highest reviews on newegg is $40.