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You're making some huge hand wavy statements based on this single anecdote...

As someone who has used Stripe over the past 5 years for large scale e-commerce and marketplace startups Stripe has dropped the ball quite significantly over the past two or so years. Their customer support has gotten worst, their communication to customers has faltered quite a bit and they're starting to nickel and dime their customers for basic features (like support that responds within a day or two).

I wouldn't go as far as to say they've fallen to the "bean counters" but they definitely aren't as customer obsessed as they have been in the past and quite a few gaps in their armor are becoming obvious.

We send satisfation surveys after support interactions, and consistently over the past year, 8+ out of 10 businesses have rated their interactions highly.

But it does sound like we did drop the ball with you, and I'd like to figure out what happened if you could forward me an example at edwin@stripe.com.

Maybe off topic, but what % of surveys are answered? We get survey requests from our main vendor. Generally the experience is not great, which I consider is systemic to the company. So replying negatively to a survey seems like it will bring down blame on the engineer who handled the case. When an engineer does a great job, it feels like I should fill out a positive survey. But then I'd expect the vendor would feel '8+ out of 10 businesses have rated their interactions highly'. So I never reply to the surveys. I do try and provide constructive suggestions on our regular calls with our vendor.

In a game of Russian Roulette, 5 out of 6 outcomes are also 100% satisfactory, but those are not the ones that matter.

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