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I don't understand why they choose an example -- a simple user dashboard -- that could be easily implemented as a traditional MPA. It seems like Remix is mainly for the "I learned to program with SPAs" audience.

Remix's _messaging_ may be aimed at the "SPA generation", but its capabilities are light years beyond a Rails w/ Turbolinks or whatever your concept of a traditional MPA might use. I'd encourage you to look a little closer.

My kneejerk rxn was "clearly you don't get it" -- but your critique and (mis)perception speak to their marketing / messaging, which, well, yeah, this is the world we live in. SPA has become the default, and Remix is pushing back on that, hard, and I'm stoked.

I've been doing webdev for a living since 1998, and Remix (like https://every-layout.dev 's "axiomatic css" - but I digress) is doing something profoundly powerful by leveraging the amazing power of the web platform on its terms, using the native APIs, and doing much, much more by being simpler and doing less. It's so refreshing.

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