We never delete comments outright unless the author asks us to*, and even in that case you would have seen [deleted], not a blank page. If you saw a blank page, then there was a bug, either at your end or ours.
Your posts are autokilled because your account is banned. Your account was banned by a software filter that categorized it as a troll account. Either you've had many accounts that have been banned in the past for breaking HN's guidelines, or there is a bug in our software.
When an account has an established history on HN, we tell people we're banning them and why. But when a user responds to that by creating an entire series of accounts and continuing to break HN's rules, eventually we start shadowbanning them.
* There have been a handful of exceptions for legal reasons over the years, perhaps half a dozen or so.
Would it be ok if I published all post titles that were modified, posts & comments that were deleted/hidden on a third party website? (in other words, would you ban me for looking up that information? because I know that you would make up a great dictator)
And you limit banned account from posting even though you hide everything they post... there are so many ridiculous rules that it is hard to keep track.
Also, when we click showdead, we want to see them... why do you make the text almost the same color as the background??
I have to select the text to be able to see it... just another ridiculous rule...
> how many comments or posts do you make completely disappear each day?
Zero. Except in cases where the author of a post asks us to.