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Ive seen KYC/KYB in action lately - it has long left the financial sector, police is now virtually behing every door.

Policing at every corner benefits a few and seriously treaten equal opportunities.

So I've came to some beginning of a conclusion. The idea would be to have a constitutional right to a grey area. The phylosophical rational would be that it's useful to human life, democracy and equal opportunities. Some extreme policing practice (like KYC, banking and digital policing, even adn in some cases) couldn't be used against you unless you're commiting a very (very) serious crime (5-10+ years of imprisonment for example). That would work with what ive seen lately, that would work against terrorism and money laudering and it would work for those canadian protesters as well. If police would want to catch a 2 year crime, they got to roll up their sleeves or wait for it to be become more severe. Im starting to like the idea a bit more (though its certainly quite a rough diamond if it works at all).

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