No. I meant that C++ should have never been born. For high perf software C should be enough, while Go could work great for generic system binaries.
Today's low end machines are not a Pentium 2 or 3, but a Raspberry Pi B+ with 512 MB of RAM (very low end, a real life machine would be a Pentium 4 with SSE2 and 1GB of RAM or a Core Duo with 2). Enough for Go and statically linked binaries a la plan9/9front.
I said that for that C would be more than adequate. And, yet, Go's GC can be tuned. Not for an AAA game, ok. As for C, C + SDL2 would be a good backend for any PC gaming engine.
And if we had Go instead of C++ since mid 90's, today's Go
compiler would be much more performant, for sure.
Today's low end machines are not a Pentium 2 or 3, but a Raspberry Pi B+ with 512 MB of RAM (very low end, a real life machine would be a Pentium 4 with SSE2 and 1GB of RAM or a Core Duo with 2). Enough for Go and statically linked binaries a la plan9/9front.