The important distinction here is that the user did not request the side-effects, so therefore cannot be held accountable for them.
But the user did request the side-effects, when he installed the app, and approved the TOS which specifically said that there would be "frictionless sharing".
Personally, I'm not interested in oversharing, so I'll avoid these apps; but, hypothetically speaking, if I were the kind of person who wanted his friends to know what he was listening to on Spotify, it would be a major pain in the ass to have to manually post a separate update to share the title of each song every three minutes. For this use case, it makes much more sense to install an app that will auto-post the songs, giving prior approval up front, and skipping the friction of asking again with each song.
To suggest that this violates HTTP seems more than a bit hyperbolic.
using the word 'violates' makes it a bit dramatic but I don't really think hyperbolic. And I believe he's talking about a different definition of the word 'request' than in your comment.
But the user did request the side-effects, when he installed the app, and approved the TOS which specifically said that there would be "frictionless sharing".
Personally, I'm not interested in oversharing, so I'll avoid these apps; but, hypothetically speaking, if I were the kind of person who wanted his friends to know what he was listening to on Spotify, it would be a major pain in the ass to have to manually post a separate update to share the title of each song every three minutes. For this use case, it makes much more sense to install an app that will auto-post the songs, giving prior approval up front, and skipping the friction of asking again with each song.
To suggest that this violates HTTP seems more than a bit hyperbolic.