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I wish I could upvote this comment a second time. This resonates strongly with me, and in general is why I think the entire “ml driven” approach to contemporary technologies is misguided.

Historically, when we use tools, one of their crucial aspects is that they are deterministic. A hammer only does one (or arguably two) things, and those functions are completely static and will never change. This not only allows users to become experts and more proficient with the hammer much faster, but it also allows users to use the hammer in flexible and creative capacities—when you know with absolute certainty what something does it’s significantly easier to “deduce” what might happen when you apply it to different circumstances.

Contrarily all “smart” technologies move away from determinism. Rather, they all admit of some amount of indeterminacy, even if their basic purpose is fixed. There’s a happy medium where the indeterminacy is restrained enough that a tool’s cleverness really does save us time, but too often the pendulum swings too far and you wind up actively having to fight against your tools to do what it is you set out to do, making all the microscopic time shavings “smart” features net you worthless.

I’d much prefer my tools and products to be, dumb, fast, consistent and ai free.

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