All this will do is to hurt the smaller web retailers who will inevitably have to track and pay sales tax. Some of whom are already on the brink and will have to trim their payrolls, or fall to amazon.
I can't seem to find a non-fluff writeup of this story, though I've found a bunch of similar versions.
From my understanding of the issue, California passed a law redefining "presence" in a state so as to include companies which have affiliates in that state. Businesses which have no affiliates (or advertising?) in California still would not have to collect sales tax. Amazon was not too happy with this situation, so they cut all of their affiliates in Cali, and proceeded to get into politics. They agreed to reinstate/not proceed with cutting their affiliates (I'm not sure if they actually cut or just threatened) in exchange for a year long delay in collecting sales tax.
I'm not sure if they actually cut or just threatened
They cut the program. Before the California State Government (CSG) passed the Amazon Tax, I was making over $1000/month in Amazon affiliate commissions, which blew up on two days' notice. My account currently says "This account is closed and will not generate referrals. Access to this site is for historical purposes only." I've not yet seen any sign of the account being reinstated, and I don't anticipate ever being compensated for the income lost while the situation was in limbo.
Will the affiliate program for California residents eventually be restored? Perhaps, but I wouldn't count on it, and God only knows what CSG will do next. I'm currently in the process of moving my legal residence to Nevada, just in case.
From an affiliate perspective, this potentially means that Amazon and other merchants will reinstate California affiliates. Some smaller merchants have already sent out reinstatement notices.
But seriously, every state has a different rate, every county, every city. The article mentions a federal solution is up next. So what, a federal database by address of the rates each person is in, and 52 filings per year for the 50 states plus DC plus Puerto Rico, and a requirement to register each purchase with this system? Gee, that should help small business a lot.
So much for a "level playing field"