The image hosting appears to be spotty, it's on a message board, it's paginated, the dates are unclear, there are now hundreds of comments congratulating the guy, etc. etc. etc.
TL;DR Guy is impressed by painters (and it sounded like a family member that was a painter too) so without any kind of art training he decided he wanted to learn the craft. He decided to make one new piece of art per day, and sometimes 2 per day on weekends. If you look at his first few pages of posts you see the 3d cube drawings he started with while he learned how to sketch and whatnot, and then skip to like page 50 which is years and years later you will see these masterful portraits of his wife, jugs of wine and grapes, all kinds of stuff. Apparently now he is a fulltime artist and doing the best he's ever done despite the economic climate.
Also, you might want to disable flash on this forum it's posted on. Flashblock chrome extension is nice to have in this kind of situation.
The image hosting appears to be spotty, it's on a message board, it's paginated, the dates are unclear, there are now hundreds of comments congratulating the guy, etc. etc. etc.