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> If you graduate from any top 10 school in the US — which plenty of people do

Since when does "typical" mean "graduated from a top 10 school"? That's why you're being downvoted.

Because those schools collectively admit tens of thousands of students every year. It’s not that rare.

Maybe it would be helpful if you gave your definition of "typical"?

Good point. I mean “typical” as in, entirely expected within a nontrivial portion of the population. Where absolutely nobody would be surprised that you’re making this much.

Is it typical for the general population to make a million a year? No, but it is entirely typical for investment bankers and quants at hedge funds. To say that is atypical of the average worker in America — well, of course, but that isn’t a very meaningful statement when you’re specifically discussing people in investment firms. And that’s what this article is about — the subset of the population for which this is entirely normal and expected.

I thought it was over a million?

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