I had always wanted to use vim to do some CSV viewing and editing, but I never found a good solution. This plugin looks pretty amazing from the demo, but I would still recommend VisiData. It does tables in a more natural way. Plus VisiData can handle many different file types. Menus were recently added to VisiData which helps make it more approachable.
Now that's a demo! Takes you from a gentle reminder how to run a program in your shell to showing off an impressive feature then tells you how to discover more.
csv.vim's author is very prolific. Beyond the awesome plugins in his personal GitHub¹, he seems to end up on the other end of the merge button for a bunch of other vim things too. And then when you go poking around in $VIMRUNTIME he keeps popping up again and again.</fandom>
¹ NrrwRgn and unicode.vim deserve a special mention IMO, but others are great as well!
Ehn, as with anything, it's not that bad once you get used to it but yes, it's still quite bad... but not that bad! But bad. You know, kinda like JavaScript :trollface:
Regardless, anyone able to write this much vimscript and remain sane deserves the greatest respect.