Do bear in mind that the way this interpreted under US law is considered by most non-Americans to be completely bonkers, and is only sustained by strong, uncompromising activist pressure.
I doubt the NRA would organize a picket to defend your right to run PGP.
Well, it's an American law, so its validity has no relation to how non Americans see it. Also, the activist pressure is much stronger and much, much better financed on the anti gun side, so that does not make much sense. You can go read the recent SCOTUS decisions related to the 2nd amendment; their interpretation of the constitution is very, very well justified. You can disagree with it, but it's ludicrous to say it's all because of extreme activist pressure. The 2nd Amendment is pretty clear on its intent, and that's wildly agreed on by constitutional experts. Americans usually support the right to bear arms too.
I'm not American but if I was and I wanted to limit access to guns, I don't think arguing that the courts should decide the 2nd amendment doesn't actually give the right to bear arms would be the way to go. If you think Americans agree with you and don't actually want that part of the constitution, judicial activism wouldn't be needed.
No offense but why would I care at all what a non-American thinks? They are not governed by this law and so have 0 say in what it should be since it is not a rights violation. I am only sorry you all live with such a lack of a basic right and find it normal.
From the other perspective: gun rights are under constant attack from fearmongering media and I find that bonkers. All it takes is one (1) psycho POS shooting up a school for the media to run a month of coverage claiming that everybody should now lose a fundamental right. Ffs most people agree that criminal activity doesn't justify violating everybodys rights (like police state measures), why is this specifically different? Because the media machine works for a political class that wants a disarmed and castrated electorate.
Theres been a creeping advance against these rights since the 1930s with the NFA passing and gun grabbers have been constantly demanding more for these 100 years with small concessions then larger infringements, racheting toward less gun rights, slowly but surely hellbent on taking away our weapons. Most of this is enabled by bullshit judicial activism that twists 2a for matters of convenience and political ends.
I hate that pro gun propaganda is seeping in to our country and gun access is getting more relaxed allowing psychos to get armed.
I want my right not to get shot to be intact. The police isn't also assuming you are armed during routine stops so they aren't so trigger happy.
> I hate that pro gun propaganda is seeping in to our country and gun access is getting more relaxed allowing psychos to get armed.
What "pro gun propaganda" is this exactly? Gun access is not getting more relaxed - talk about propaganda. The Federal form you are required to fill out at any gun shop in the country asks you to declare whether you have ever been adjudicated as mentally defective or have ever been confined in a mental institution. Answering Yes will result in your firearm purchase being denied.
We can't know ahead of time that someone is going to go off the deep end and go on a shooting spree. You can't legislate this risk away short of banning guns completely and confiscating all of them, which is unrealistic/impossible. Let's ban alcohol as well because it kills twice as many people as guns do (half of which are suicides) annually.
I'm an independent that shares plenty of the Democrat party's positions, but gun control isn't one of them. Guns are tools than can be used and misused like any other tool.
I doubt the NRA would organize a picket to defend your right to run PGP.