Can it do substitution with some sort of application-based KV store? The main reason I used a rest client like Insomnia is so that I can reference secrets like {{ client_secret }} or {{ api_key }} and have a change to the value in the KV store reflect for every request.
"We support two types of variables, one is Custom Variables which is defined by user and can be further divided into Environment Variables, File Variables and Request Variables, the other is System Variables which is a predefined set of variables out-of-box."
However, what I can't figure out is if it supports programmatic variable setting. I have an API where I need to retrieve a token from an endpoint before using it for every other endpoint, and I'm using Postman's test scripts to set that token as an environment variable before sending all the other requests so they can all use it. I don't see a way to replicate that with this extension.