I had fun with people on forums trying to get others to download keyloggers and the like. A lot of these were the stereotypical "script kiddies" who didn't know how much personal data they were giving away or even how the tools they used worked. I distinctly remember a few "C:\Documents and Settings\<uncommon first and last name>\...", from which I could find and sometimes phone them (often their parents would answer), but I drew the line at doing anything physical --- they were all far away anyway.
The most interesting results include apologies; one kid's father registered on the forum to post one for his son. Spamming a keylogger's logs with the physical address of its owner and "I know where you live" tends to cause them to repent in fear pretty quickly.
> I distinctly remember a few "C:\Documents and Settings\<uncommon first and last name>\...", from which I could find and sometimes phone them (often their parents would answer)
so this sounds like a pretty devious attack if you want to get someone, pose as a script kiddie in online forum, put in C:\Documents and Settings\<their first and last name> in stuff, other identifying info maybe and then let others do the work.
The most interesting results include apologies; one kid's father registered on the forum to post one for his son. Spamming a keylogger's logs with the physical address of its owner and "I know where you live" tends to cause them to repent in fear pretty quickly.