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i just realized that i may be a fast typist, but i use only 4 fingers. Left pinky for shift, ctrl,alt, left index for left letters, right middle finger for right letters, right thumb for space(sometimes left). I can type with a descent speed in two languages(English, Bulgarian) and i can even mix em and still type pretty fast. But i look at the keyboard pretty often and i my backspace key is the most clean one. This blog post has inspired me to just load KTouch and practice(KDE 4 came with a fast typing teacher, cool). I don't actually have a problem, because i make many mistakes, but i got really good at correcting them fast, so i still have a pretty good WPM count, haven't measured it, but its descent for a person who types a lot. I hope KTouch can help. After just 20 minutes with it i feel uncomfortable typing the way i used to, seems inefficient.

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