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And, as a Debian user who often finds himself on the Arch docs - there's a ton of distro-specific stuff in the Arch wiki. And rightfully so - it's a wiki for a distro.

These sorta landmines when trying to just research/digest a concept can really suck. OP's tool really eloquently breaks things down to _just_ core concepts so you can quickly start to grok what I consider to be a relatively complex tool.

In my experience very little of it is distro-specific, especially if you're on a distro that has similar components as Arch. I'm on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, which also uses systemd, etc and is a rolling distro with the latest versions of everything, so a lot of the wiki articles apply directly as long as I translate the package names.

Agree - but there's still bits and pieces that don't translate over to other distros which can suck if you're jumping into to learning something. When I read the Arch Wiki as a Debian user I realize I'm reading it through the lens of someone using a different distro.

Overall I use the Arch wiki very often and it's because of the exact point you're making - I'm just being pedantic saying those slight distro differences can be a pain.

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